The year at
a glance.


2024-25 Important Dates

*Subject to change

September 2: Closed for Labor Day; Suzuki calendar student makeup on 11/25
September 3: 2024-25 School Year begins for Suzuki calendar students
September 7: 24-25 KICKOFF Party! 10am @Kazoo School, 1401 Cherry St 
September 9: GLVP Semester 1 begins
September 14: Violin groups begin @ Kazoo School, 1401 Cherry St.
September 21: Little Stars 1 begins @ Kazoo School, 1401 Cherry St.

November 11 - November 23:  Poinsettia and Wreath Fundraiser!
November 25: Labor Day makeup date for Monday Suzuki calendar students; no lessons this week for GLVP calendar students
November 26 - December 1: 2024-25 School Year THANKSGIVING BREAK

December 7: Solo Recitals at St. Thomas More Parish, 11am (10:30 call) and 1pm (12:30 call)
December 16: GLVP makeup week
December 21 - January 5: 2024-25 School Year WINTER BREAK

January 6: GLVP makeup week
January 13: GLVP makeup week
January 20: GLVP Semester 2 begins

February 1: Group Recital at Greenwood Reformed Church, Little Stars 1 ends
February 22: Little Stars 2 begins!

March 29 - April 6: 2024-25 School Year SPRING BREAK

April 28: GLVP makeup week
May 5: GLVP makeup week
May 12: GLVP makeup week
May 17: Solo Recitals at St. Thomas More Parish, time tbd May 19: GLVP makeup week

May 26: Closed for Memorial Day; Suzuki calendar student makeup on 6/9

June 7: Group Recital at Greenwood Reformed Church; Little Stars 2 ends
June 9: Memorial Day makeup for Monday Suzuki students and last day of 2024-25 School Year


Please note that these dates are subject to change, and dates may be added throughout the year.


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